Thursday, 26 December 2013

TTT Bathymetric Monitoring Surveys

Geodesea Ltd have recently been contracted by the Port of London Authority (PLA) to provide specialist hydrographic services for bathymetric monitoring surveys of the River Thames in support of the Thames Tideway Tunnel.

This is a tight tolerance MBES & intertidal foreshore laser survey of a 23km stretch of the river thames.

More information on this massive engineering project can be found at

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Royal Docks, London

Geodesea Ltd were sub-contracted  by the Port of London Authority in August  to carry out a survey of the Royal Victoria Dock for Royal Docks Management Authority. Below are some images of the Connaught Cut, Royal Victoria Dock.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Return to UK

Please note new contact details since relocating back to the UK after an excellent 3yrs operating in Australia.

t: +44 (0)7743 146780

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Geodesea Utils v4.0 available for download

I have uploaded a copy of Geodesea Utils v4.0 here for anybody who wants to use it.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Strip The City for Discovery Channel by Windfall Films

Just found this on the web - using our MBES data and some 3D visualisations we rendered for them - unfortunately we were away with the 7125 during the filming and the SBES was on display for the film crew... ha ha such is life!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Bathy Berth Box Profiler

A recent project has been the development of a berth box profiler for Sydney Ports Corp.

Often it is difficult to quickly highlight shoal spot depths within a berth box on a conventional bathymetry chart, especially small scale charts densely populated with soundings. It is generally the shoalest depth and its realtive location (chainage) along a wharf which is of importance rather than its absolute position in real world coordinates. This is especially true when under-keel clearance is an issue and dictates where along a wharf a vessel may be berthed.

Hence the new executable app. It will take high resolution XYZ ascii data from within a berth box and "snap" to fender line, and output a re-projected dataset showing Chainage, Depth and (if required) perpendicular distance to fender line.

Capable of handling larger data sets than CivilCAD, and without the crashing ;-)

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

New CARIS SVP importer

Amazingly CARIS HIPS/SIPS has never included a GUI data parser for importing raw SVP data into HIPS. Programmatically quite simple, all online hydrographic acquisition software packages and most other data processing packages have this facility.

Anyone using MBES data, therefore, always has to go through the painstaking task of butchering the files in text editors or write their own macros in order to get the data to fit the CARIS format. Frustrating - I know from experience - especially on jobs where SVP changes frequently both temporally and spatially, with hundreds of SVPs needing conversion. Annoying, especially as all metadata (bar the position) is usually logged in the raw file headers.

Hence my app - the CARIS SVP Importer. If you need an importer for your SVP model, let me know and I may be able to help :-)

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Bathymetric Marine Information Overlays (bMIOs) at SPC

I have recently been working on using bMIO outputs from CARIS into QPS Qastor for use by Sydney Ports Pilots.

bMIOs show chart and navigation-related information that
supplements the minimum information required by
the IMO ECDIS. These will be used to display the latest soundings and contours on top of the existing AusCharts.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

SPC Aids Locata Sydney Satellites Project

Sydney Ports Corp recently aided Locata Corp & University NSW with the city trials of Locata ground-based positioning system installed onboard SV Port Explorer.

More information can be found here and here