Wednesday, 25 March 2015

RS232 to USB latency minimisation

Having to mobilise equipment in a short  time , with limited equipment & space it is sometimes necessary to use Rs232 to USB serial converters. But the inherent latency is not ideal for a survey setup.

When data is sent from a serial device to a USB converter it is cached on the USB converter until one of two things happens:

  • Transfer size – More then x BYTES are collected or
  • Latency timer – More then n Milliseconds (ms) expirer.
Luckily we can set the Transfer size, and latency timer.

Most USB to 485 devices that I have used have the ability to set the transfer size and the latency timer.
  1. Start menu–> Settings –> Control panel –> device manager –> Ports (COM & LPT) –>{Select your USB to RS485 converter}
  2. Right click and select “Properties
  3. Select the “Port Settings” tab
  4. Click the “Advanced” button 
  5. Change the Latency Timer (mSec) to 1ms or the lowest possible setting (I use 4ms).
  6. Change the USB Transfer sizes to 256 - the largest NMEA data string is 82 bytes. 
  7. Save and close.